Performancing Metrics

Performance blog: July 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to determine the speed of network during a load test using LoadRunner

Sometimes problems in the Network can impact load test results. It is important to monitor the rate at which data is received from the server in a Network.

LoadRunner can help you in determining the bandwidth used during a load test. Web Page Diagnostics Graphs in LoadRunner provides drill down analysis across different layers.

Network bandwidth by a Component = Component Size/ Component Receive Time

Component Receive Time is the Time to transfer between the first byte to the last byte arrives from the server and Component Size is the size of component downloaded from the server.

In the below Example Network speed during the test is 263.249/1.132 = 232 KB/sec. This speed may slight vary from component to component and also based on Load Generators used for the test

Web page diagnostics