Performancing Metrics

Performance blog: June 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Synthetic monitoring

I have recently published a document on synthetic monitoring. Abstract is given below


Many large organizations have started implementing web content management (WCM) platform to maximize their online presence and improve operational efficiency across web based initiatives.  These platforms have to support a large number of users accessing the application from multiple countries/regions with optimum performance. Platforms also have to achieve high availability for the published websites and its content management platform.

IT operations team responsible for managing the digital platform  has to ensure the performance and availability requirements are met and take corrective actions if required.   It must have the process which can alert the team with a performance issue as and when it is detected, understand the severity and complexity of the issue and diagnosing the issue with the available information.

Synthetic monitoring can help IT operations for managing and optimizing web application availability, performance of applications from the end-user perspective. This paper highlights the approach used to implement synthetic monitoring for a WCM platform and lessons learned from its implementation.

@2013, copyright Vamsidhar Tokala