Performancing Metrics

Performance blog: Integrating Sitescope Monitor with Controller

Friday, January 8, 2010

Integrating Sitescope Monitor with Controller

To integrate a SiteScope server that needs authentication, modify the modify the LR installation folder\dat\monitors\xmlmonitorshared.ini file as follows:
1. Locate the [SiteScope] section in the file.
2. Append &account=administrator, or if you want to log in using other user (e.g., XXX), append &account=XXX, to the MetricListURL.

The user XXX must have the right permissions in SiteScope and may be different from the user name. The SiteScope server should be accessed as

3. Add "QueryLoginInfo=1" at the end of the section.
With this, you should be able to see a login window when adding measurements.

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